About us
What We Believe:
We believe Jesus is the Son of God, He became man, lived a perfect sinless life, died on a cross, then rose to life on the third day. We believe He is now living in Heaven and will return to earth one day as He promised.
We believe in the inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments. We believe they were authored by the Holy Spirit through His servants. We believe these 66 books are the complete divine revelation given to His church and they contain everything needed for instruction in this life and walk of faith.
We believe in one God triune, three distinct persons in one essence – God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit. We believe God has no beginning or end.
We believe the Father is the Creator of all things and is Sovereign over all things.
We believe the Son is the long-promised Christ sent to save all who believe.
We believe the Holy Spirit is given to guide all who believe.
We believe the Church is the community of believers joined together in the common faith throughout the ages, sustained by the Holy Spirit, maintaining the fellowship of love as Jesus taught us.
We believe salvation is by Grace alone through faith alone.
We believe good works are the natural outcome of faith.
Our leadership team:
Rev. Bobby Frazier
Rev. Bobby Frazier & wife Debbie married in 1976. They have 4 adult daughters and 13 grandchildren. Bobby has been a part of the church his entire life. As a bi-vocational pastor he spreads his time between his job and the church, giving of his time in the service of God and His church. Ordained as pastor of SonLight in 2014, Bobby leads the 11:00 AM service, and the young adult class on Sunday mornings. He also leads the Wednesday evening prayer and bible study time at 5:30 PM.
Teaching Elder
Ron Nyhof & wife Debbie married in 1973. They have 3 adult sons, 10 grandchildren and 1 great grandson. As teaching elder Ron leads the 9:00 AM service on Sunday morning. Ron has been teaching from the bible for more than 40 years. His wife Debbie serves as secretary/treasurer for SonLight Church.
Cookeville Pregnancy Center
Supporting new and soon-to-be mothers with Christ-centered counseling, and more.
A child-placing agency supporting parents who desire to make an adoption plan for their unborn child.
Lighthouse Christian Camp
Providing week and weekend retreats for disadvantaged youth in a Christ-centered environment.
Christian Aid Mission
Supporting church planting and outreach in Myanmar.
Planting Churches & Making Disciples Among the Least Reached Peoples on the Planet.